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Parents Association

The objectives of the Parents Association are to:

  1. Support the management and teachers 
  2. Encourage parent participation in school activities
  3. Co-ordinate raising of finance for school amenities and
  4. Keep parents informed of all relevant activities 

The Parents Association Committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in October. Click here for names of the current committee. Our contact details are available from the School Office. Please contact any of us if you require any further information.

We lend support to the school in a number of ways from practical support like organising teas and coffees for parents after Transition and 6th Year Graduations, helping Transition Year students organise their graduation party and providing supervision at the party to selling tickets for the 4th year musical show manning the door and organising the shop during the show.

We also organise the Pupil Personal Accident Insurance Scheme which for a nominal sum insure students against accident 24 hours a day, whether in school or not. All parents receive details of the insurance during September on the return to school and will be asked to complete a form, make payment directly to the Bank and return the completed form to the School. The Parents Association will then organise everything else directly with Marsh Ireland.

Insurance is organised through Marsh Ireland and underwritten by Allianz. Our policy number with Marsh Ireland is: DN RPA 279 2092. Should you wish to make a claim during the year please contact Marsh Ireland on: (01) 604 8100.

We encourage parent participation in school activities by electing two parent reps to sit on the Board of Management.  The current parent representatives are Siobhan Dignan and Joanne Lee.

Another way we encourage parent participation in the school is by looking for new members to join our committee.  So if you want to get involved in school life and help the school in any way why don’t you consider joining the committee at the next AGM in October.  Another way to get involved is to put your name down as a helper for the various events we organise during the year.

We co-ordinate the raising of finance for school amenities. Our biggest fundraiser is the school draw. Forms are sent to Parents during October. Our other key fundraiser is our Plant Sale in May which is now an annual event. This is a great community event and attracts people from all over Malahide not even connected with the school. The funds we raise through the draw and plant sale are used to fund various sporting, academic and cultural events in the school. In the past this has included funding students attending the European Youth Parliament, Gaeltacht scholarship, basketball coaching and 6th Year Year Book, among others.

During the 2009/2010 academic year and with the current economic environment in mind we established a Parent Support Fund to be used at the discretion of the School Principal and Deputy Principals to support parents in financial difficulty.  We have also introduced the theme of Parents supporting Parents in a number of other ways throughout this year as well. So far this year we have cleaned out the lost property cupboard, identified owners where we could and then cleaned and sold the remaining items at knock down prices. We intend holding another ‘uniform sale’ towards the end of the school year.

We also keep parents informed of activities – through events like our AGM, letters during the year, over cups of tea at graduations, our own networking and even the odd text!

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank the Principal and Deputy Principals and all the teachers in the school who support us all the way.

Joanne Le