Mission Statement

The mission of St. Patrick’s Classical School is to educate its students according to the best traditions and highest standards of Catholic schooling.

It endeavours at all times to provide, through as wide, as varied and as balanced a curriculum as is possible, for the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and moral development of all its students.

St. Patrick’s Classical School strives for excellence in all aspects of culture, including sport, drama and music, wherein students are challenged and encouraged to realise their full potential as human beings.

As partners in this education process the Board of Management, Principal, Deputy-Principals, Staff and Parents are also conscious of the importance of encouraging the growth of positive behaviour, the development of leadership skills and the meaningful understanding of all aspects of living with regard to citizenship, family, work and leisure.

Further, we believe that all aspects of school life should be lived in a spirit of justice and charity and that Christian selflessness should be an integral part of our dealings with one another.