What is Wellbeing?

Nurturing the wellbeing of each student is a long-standing tradition in St. Patrick’s Classical School.

Student wellbeing is present when our students ‘realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life, have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community’. (NCCA-wellbeing)

Key wellbeing indicators are being Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilient, Respected, and Aware.

St. Patrick’s Classical School provides each student with learning opportunities that enhance their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing. Our school programmes and Pastoral Care system enable our students to build life skills and develop a strong sense of connection to their school and to their community.

At Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle, our wellbeing programme is anchored in the subjects: SPHE, PE, CSPE, Guidance and other Units of Learning such as media literacy, healthy eating, retreat days and study skills.

Currently our Junior Cycle students will experience a programme that delivers over 400 hours of wellbeing focused curriculum.

School Structures & Programmes

  • Our Class Tutor System

    Class tutors support individual class groups in a largely a pastoral role which supports the work of the year head. Tutor time occurs every day from 11.00am-11.10 am.

  • The Year Head

    The Year Head monitors and supports the academic and social development of each student and Year Group.

  • School Chaplain

    The Chaplain’s role is to build a relationship of trust where students feel heard and supported on their journey through our school and to meet their spiritual needs.

  • Student Support Team

    The Student Support Team identifies students who are in need of specific support structures.

  • School Guidance Counsellor

    Ms Niamh Fallon provides a caring and supportive role in the school where students can get support and advice on a range of issues.

  • Student Leadership Teams

    Students are encouraged to participate in and take leadership roles in groups such as the Prefect system, Student Council and the school Environment Committee.

  • School Lunchtime Clubs

    Students have the opportunity to join clubs such as Fantasy Football, Film, Cookery, Coding, Chess, to name but a few.

  • Rainbows

    Rainbows is a peer support group for students who have experienced a separation or bereavement.

  • School Awards

    Students achievements are recognised often with rewards for positive behaviour, good attendance and academic performance and effort.  Our annual prize-giving day occurs in May where students are rewarded for achievement in academics, state exams, sport, music and leadership roles.

  • Wellbeing Week

    Wellbeing Week is a week in the school year dedicated to promoting the wellbeing of all our students and the whole school community.

    Activities and workshops are organised for all year groups and staff . Speakers are invited into the school and address students on topics such as resilience,positive thinking, exercise and relaxation techniques,healthy food choices, the importance of regular sleep, belonging to communities and much more. Music,Art and exercise play a key role in the week.

  • Retreats for 1st, 2nd and 6th year groups

    Students participate in a day of religious and mindful reflection which focuses them on the spiritual aspect of their lives.

  • Year/Class trips or outings

    These trips promote a sense of wellbeing and belonging.

  • Regular Year Group Assemblies

    Group Assemblies take place regularly with the  Year Head and School Management.

  • Sports Day

    Sports Day is normally held once a year in May where students take part in a variety of sporting and fun activities -individual and group. Healthy eating choices are also promoted on this day.

  • Lunchtime Clubs

    Fantasy Football, Film, Cookery, Coding to name but a few.

  • Extra-Curricular activities

    Extra curricular activities include Choir, Debating, Enterprise, Young Scientist and more.  Sporting Activities include Gaelic, Rugby, Basketball, Hurling, Athletics, Golf and more.