Wellbeing Programme

Pastoral Care

In St. Patrick’s Classical School,we take a collaborative approach to Pastoral Care. Each staff member plays a key role in its implementation.

Some important members of the School Pastoral Care System are the following:

  • The Board of Management
  • The Principal
  • The Deputy Principals
  • Year Heads
  • Tutors
  • Critical Incident Team
  • Student Support Team
  • School Chaplains
  • Guidance Counsellor
  • SPHE Coordinator
  • Learning Support Coordinator
  • Prefects
  • Subject Teachers
  • Student Council

Tutor Time

As part of our Pastoral Care Programme, each class is assigned a Class Tutor who, on behalf of the school community, undertakes the role of caring for a class group in order to maximise the learning opportunities for each member of the group.

As part of the tutor’s duties, he/she will monitor the use of journals, build a relationship with the student, consult with subject teachers on a student’s progress, monitor progress, remind students of the school’s Code of Behaviour and check school uniform.

Each student meets their Class Tutor daily form 11.00am-11.10am.
The Tutor and tutor group will follow a programme that focuses primarily on the wellbeing of the student.

Student Support Team

The Student Support Team offers care and support to students in all aspects of their wellbeing and development. The Student Support Team is there to support students in times of difficulty. It is made up of:

  1. The Guidance Counsellor
  2. The Learning Support Co- Ordinator
  3. The School Chaplain
  4. The Rainbows Programme Co- Ordinators
  5. The S.P.H.E Facilitator
  6. The Class Teachers
  7. The Year Heads
  8. Student Support Team Facilitator
  9. School Management

The Student Support Team Facilitator holds two meetings per week with the team. Students who are having difficulty coping with school life are identified and a care plan is put in place to ensure that their wellbeing is looked after. The Student Support Team ensure that all student’s feel supported and are happy within our school setting enabling them to perform to the best of their ability.

School Chaplain

The Role of the Chaplain in St. Patrick’s Classical School

Mr. Mark Donnelly is our lay Chaplain here in St. Patrick’s Classical School. His focus at all times is the welfare of all individuals within the school community and to support their spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing. He is a spiritual guide, a faith friend and a supporter of others as they experience personal difficulties regardless of their faith or beliefs. In fulfilling this role, Mr. Donnelly works closely with all staff, students, parents and agencies/groups/organisations within the community. By virtue of his role the chaplain is a friend to all and a source of support to all who need it.

As part of the Pastoral Care Team, Mr Donnelly meets weekly with management and Year Heads to review the progress and wellbeing of students in the school and to offer support where necessary.

Religious Education/Celebrations

Mr. Donnelly has a teaching role within the school and works closely with the RE Department to identify and mark significant events in the school and liturgical calendar. He will encourage the participation and involvement of many students and staff within the school in all religious celebrations.

He has an important role as a point of contact with local clergy in the parish of St. Mary’s Navan and the Bishop as regards religious events and celebrations both inside and outside the school.

The Chaplain and the Students

Mr. Donnelly will seek to get to know as many students as possible on a personal level. In many ways his primary service is that of listener and supporter as students find their way through bereavement, family issues, stress, exams, loss, or illness. Where necessary the Chaplain will seek the assistance and professional input of other staff within and outside the school.

Mr. Donnelly also plays a pivotal role in the transition of all students from Primary to Secondary school and together with the Guidance Counsellor, Miss N. Fallon, will meet all First Year students to help them settle into their new school.

The Chaplain and Staff

Mr. Donnelly is available to staff to offer support, advice or insight where appropriate in relation to the students emotional and physical well being.

Religious Celebrations / Services in St. Patrick’s Classical School

  • Retreats
  • Charity Fundraisers
  • First Year Mass
  • November Mass / Class Prayer Services
  • Advent Prayer Services
  • Carol Service
  • Lenten Reflections
  • Confessions
  • Provision of Ashes on Ash Wednesday and Blessing of Throats on St. Blaise Day (if in school)
  • 6th Year Graduation Mass

Enquiries To:

Mr. Mark Donnelly, Chaplain, St. Patrick’s Classical School, Moatlands, Navan, Co. Meath

Phone: (046) 902 3772, Email: markdonnelly@stpatscs.com

SPHE (Social Personal Health Education)

SPHE, as part of the school curriculum, supports the personal development, health and well-being of young people and helps them create and maintain supportive relationships.

SPHE in Post-Primary schools is a programme for students in the Junior Cycle and builds on the experience of all children at Primary level.

What SPHE Aims to Achieve

  • To enable the students to develop skills for self-fulfilment and living in communities
  • To promote self-esteem and self-confidence
  • To enable the students to develop a framework for responsible decision-making
  • To provide opportunities for reflection and discussion
  • To promote physical, mental and emotional health and well-being

SPHE supports each of the six indicators of wellbeing. Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilience, Respected and Aware.

SPHE provides each student with opportunities to develop a positive sense of self and the skills and insights for caring for yourself and others. Students learn to

make informed decisions about health and wellbeing and develop the resilience needed to cope with some of the challenges of the teenage years.

Further information on RSE, Bullying Prevention and Personal Safety,and SPHE can be found by clicking the following link:

Resource Department

The Resource Team work with students to help them achieve their potential at their level of ability. In order to achieve this goal, some of our students may require supplementary teaching, additional resources, classroom support or the provision of specialised equipment. All students are tested in the areas of literacy and numeracy and offered supplementary teaching where necessary.

The Resource Department communicates with staff, parents and outside agencies to provide for student needs. Special education provision ensures that all our students have access to, participate in, and gain positive outcomes from their time in school.

The Resource Department Coordinator is Ms Claire Brady.

Senior Prefects

Prefects are appointed from our Leaving Certificate group. Their appointment to this leadership position in St.Patrick’s Classical School is a reflection of how the students have embraced the ethos of our school. A Prefect employs the core values of courtesy, respect and responsibility.

Prefects are ambassadors for the school and are excellent role models for other students. Their function is to represent the student body at school events and to act as role models upholding our value system

Prefects have a key role to play in the everyday life of the school. They can be called on to give practical assistance to teachers. They act as mentors, particularly to our first year students helping them to settle in and make the transition from primary to secondary less stressful. A group of prefects take responsibility for each first year tutor group and build a rapport with these students.