Our School Digital Learning & Teaching Platform
(Click logo to login)

- Each student has their own account
- They must use their school email & password to log into their account
- SchoolWise enables teachers to do the following digitally:
- Share resources (notes, slides, video links, weblinks, worksheets etc.)
- Set homework & provide instructions digitally
- SchoolWise allows teachers to differentiate work for their students
- The calendar function allows teachers to set important dates & deadlines e.g. CBAs & project dates
- Set assignments that students can complete digitally
- Message a class or an individual student
- All work completed by the student can be graded by teachers and input in the Gradebook where it can be viewed by students
- In the event of a school closure teachers can run live classes through SchoolWise
- Parents should sit down with their son and ensure that he is able to log in and navigate the platform
- All students receive a link to a Youtube playlist of support videos to help them with SchoolWise