Rotary Youth Leadership Winner – James Connell TY

December 1, 2022


Last night James Connell in TY took part in the regional final of the Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition (organised by Rotary & the EU). The final verdict on who would be the winners was decided following an interview held last night. The event was held in The Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan. There were four candidates representing Newry, Monaghan, Navan and Dundalk. Both James and the Newry representative won in the end by a unanimous decision amongst the interview panel. This means that James and 23 other winners from Ireland (incl. NI) get the opportunity to visit Stormont, The Dáil and Strasbourg (where the EU Parliament is located). In these places the students will get the opportunity to debate on certain topics and have some time to travel around the French city. This will take place for five days in early February. The school is very proud of James, he has put a lot of hard work into achieving this and we wish him all the best next February.