TY Work Experience Update
March 11, 2021
Hi All,
In simpler times, the TY students would be heading out this Monday for 2 weeks Work Experience. However, as we are all very aware at this stage, these are not simple times.
After consultation with management we have taken the view that those students who have work experience organised and who can do this online or on site (while not contravening any public health and safety advice) can proceed with these placements. There is however ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE OR EXPECTATION on students to do so and parents can decide in each case whether it is safe and advisable to take up these placements. For students who are not doing a placement, next week, classes will proceed, with a focus on revising and catching up so that placement students are not missing any material. I have also attached a list of some last minute work experience online placements that I have been made aware of.
Then on the Week of the 22nd March, there will be no traditional online classes for TY students, who will instead take part in our first ever VIRTUAL WORK EXPERIENCE WEEK.. A full timetable of events is attached. In this, I would ask Parents to Take on the Role of “Employer”. You will see that I have even asked the students to submit application forms to you for Virtual Roles and on Tuesday, it would be great if you could test their new interview skills with a MOCK INTERVIEW. On Friday, students must complete tasks that you set for them (I know no one will take advantage of that).
I have organised a meeting for 1.00 tomorrow to go through all this with the students. The link is on schoolwise.
IF you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Ciaran Murphy