Anti Bullying Awareness Week

October 8, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

In school this week, students and staff were reminded that we in St. Patricks Classical School do not accept or tolerate any form of bullying, intimidation or repeated mean behaviour towards another student or member of staff.
During tutor time, teachers delivered lessons on topics such as what bullying is ,types of bullying and what to do if they witness an incident of bullying.

This is an extremely important week as this awareness campaign serves to remind and inform students and teachers about the procedures we have in place to
help prevent bullying and to deal with any cases of bullying.

Thank you to Ms. Colette O Brien who co-ordinated the week. Ms. Bernadette Healy and her students who provided beautiful art work and all the members of the School Anti-Bullying Committee who have volunteered to serve on the committee and offer their support to students.

Further information on our School’s Anti Bullying Policy can be located on our school website.

Students and staff will be reminded on a regular basis throughout the year that any form of bullying is unacceptable and offensive to the spirit of St. Patrick’s Classical School.

Kind regards,
Sinead Bannon