Class of 2024 Graduation

May 25, 2024

There was a wonderful night of celebration and recognition at the 6th Year Graduation Mass and Awards night on Thursday evening. 

The school was honoured with the presence of The Most Reverend Bishop Tom Deenihan, our school patron , and Fr. Sebi Tulbure our school chaplain who celebrated the mass.

Students , staff and parents all contributed to the mass to make it a very memorable occasion .

The school choir led by Ms. Laura Lynch and Mr Conor Sheeran provided beautiful pieces of music to make the night very special.

Ms. Harmon and her team of helpers decorated the gym with beautiful artwork and the culmination was the altar backdrop.

This mass was followed with a presentation of a cross from Medjugorje and a class photo for each 6th year graduate .
The final part of the night was the Awards Ceremony which culminated in the announcement of the Student of the Year winner -Theo Staunton.
A huge congratulations to Theo on this well deserved accolade.

A huge thank you to the RE team, Music department , Art department, Woodwork department and all our students and staff for their hard work and efforts over the last few weeks to prepare for this special occasion.

We wish all our 6th years the very best of luck in their exam preparations over the weeks ahead and we wish them every success starting a new and exciting chapter in their lives .